When should you contact us?

  • Prior to purchasing or selling land when property location is in question and/or an encroachment is suspected. We can review your deed and abutting deeds along with other evidence and usually after a site inspection render a professional opinion as to the locations and conflicts of the boundaries of your land.
  • Prior to building a house, fence, or other improvements close to the property line to assure that your improvements are positioned correctly possibly preventing costly complications with encroachments and with state, federal and local zoning violations.
  • Prior to subdividing land by deed (Maine) or a residential/commercial subdivision or a commercial business site design in order to determine development potential the land could support by providing a topographic contour, wetland, above ground and subsurface utility existing conditions survey.
  • Prior to residential or commercial building expansion to provide data necessary for owners or architects to design expansions and/or plan view easements and/or to provide necessary data required by civil engineers for drainage and site design.
  • After purchasing land, if there is a question about the location of your boundaries or a conflict with a neighbor.

Why survey your property?

Most home owners, and many business property owners, do not think of having their property surveyed until they have a problem. We can help you protect your land investments and avoid many problems by helping you know your property's history and your exact boundaries.

Here are some of the reasons you should have Knight Hill Land Surveying Services, Inc. research your property and do a quality assured survey.

  • To be informed of above/below ground easements benefiting or adversely effecting the land with proper utility, deed, and plan research.
  • Avoid inaccurate gravel fill or excavation quantity price calculations with reliable topography contouring by accurate survey data collection and mapping.
  • Prevent new foundation layout encroachments and/or elevation blunders with accurate land survey layout.
  • Avoid boundary disputes, lot line overlaps, gaps or adverse possession with a standard boundary survey.
  • Avert tree cutting commencing on your land by neighbors/loggers with well-marked lot lines by a licensed land surveyor.
  • Steer clear of building expensive fencing on abutting property by knowing your lot lines marked with iron pin lot line monuments with surveyor's cap.
  • Obstruct abutter pier construction into your property or setback by knowing your possible lot lines below high water in tidal areas and/or ponds and lakes.
  • Circumvent abutter leach field construction closer than State setback (75 ft NH) of your well with a certified plot plan.
  • Quash flood insurance requirements with a (LOMA) Letter of Map Amendment, proving your property does not lie in the flood zone.
  • Nullify annoying public access via an old road by proving road was possibly discontinued (discharged from all public servitude like a paper street) by town vote with proper town record research.
  • Escape hunters by posting your property along well-marked property lines determined from a standard boundary survey.
  • Ward off expensive wetland violation fines by mapping your wetland locations with a field survey and plot plan prior to land improvements.
  • Avoid costly planning errors by having your property surveyed.

Please send me an email (dave@khlandsurveying.com) with your survey request with whatever information you have or just give me a call (603-436-1330) for a free estimate and proposal. Our physical location is at 34 Old Post Road, Newington, NH 03801

Serving landowners, land buyers, civil engineers, architects, and municipalities in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts.

Protect your land investments, prevent costly mistakes, and avoid boundary disputes with a professional title search and land survey.